Imagine a thick rope slowly loosening its strands, its frayed bits coming undone as friction loses interest and becomes unwilling to invest itself in holding it together. Roh Deok’s romcom Very Ordinary Couple, showcases just that. It is a story that explores the frayed ends of a relationship. Here, banker colleagues Dong Hee and Young go through two breakups to realise their true feelings. Much like a stat mentioned by Young (87% couples are likely to get back together, but only 3% survive). Their relationship feels doomed and we are not given any pretence of it being otherwise. Amidst the storms of rage, assault, verbal abuse and anxiety, their relationship seems to have little chance. Yet, it is these vagaries and volatility of heart and earnestness to love another being, come what may, that make this movie great. The movie personifies finding beauty and peace in our fears, just like the reluctant couple taking a roller coaster ride to end their roller-coaster of a relationship.

Very Ordinary Couple reflects on every relationship’s Sisphyean struggles in a heart-touching, sincere and humble way.
This was my second Lee Min Ki title and he once again wins for his portrayal of a brooding lonesome lover after his spectacular performance in My Liberation Notes. This time though, he adds temper to the kitty, revealing all the usual vulnerabilities of a man in love but also unable to escape the claws of obsession and patriarchy. Kim Min-hee, delivers a performance with pinpoint clarity except for two weepy scenes that reminded me of Jennifer Anniston’s fake cry invention scene with Reese Witherspoon in FRIENDS. But one does admire her smouldering eyes and how they emote the doom waiting to happen to her relationship. But like all lovers, she brushes herself up and promises herself she will find another man by the time the paper cut on her hand heals. Through her performance, she also makes you wish the same for her.
This is a movie that revolves around two lovers forgetting the fight that broke them up. However, when the clouds clear and they once again find themselves at the crossroads of a breakup after the first patch-up, the reason dons on them again in an immaculate circle of Roh Deok’s writing. Very Ordinary Couple reflects on every relationship’s Sisphyean struggles in a heart-touching, sincere and humble way. You savour it, every tantrum at a time.